Keep Back to School Shopping Green!

Waste Reduction Before School!

Summer is almost at an end and the new school year is just around the corner. Manage back to school shopping by practicing the “3 Rs” of waste reduction!

There are lots of ways to make sure you do your part to reduce, reuse and recycle when heading back to school.

  • Reduce

Before hitting the stores; take a look at what is left over from last year. Buying large quantities only saves money if you actually use what you buy. Avoid ending up with more than you will need. Click here for Tips on How to Reduce Waste when back to school shopping.

  • Reuse

Are there supplies that can be purchased used? Can you make any supplies out of recyclables you may already have around the house? Shop at thrift stores and encourage your kids to take good care of supplies so they last longer. Friends, family and neighbors are also a good source for borrowing or sharing supplies. Make sure you limit the amount of waste you create every day and try to donate supplies that are in good condition.

  • Recycle

Buy supplies made from recycled materials. Look for pencils, paper, binders, and notebooks made with recycled paper. Most major stores have recycled-content options.

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