Yard waste and food waste (sometimes called organics) amount to almost 50% of the trash Torrance residents dispose of each year. Most of these materials could be turned into a valuable soil amendment or mulch by composting in your own backyard.
To learn more about reducing yard waste, view our online resources on composting, grasscycling, and worm farms, visit Torrance’s Demonstration Garden, or participate in a free workshop!
To learn more about soil regeneration and regenerative agriculture, check out the organization Kiss the Ground.
Free workshops are offered periodically to teach residents about composting and gardening. They are operated in conjunction with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. No reservations are needed. Workshops are held on Saturdays from 9:30am to 11am. Workshops begin promptly at 9:30am. County residents have the opportunity to purchase compost bins after each workshop. (Residents of Torrance always have the opportunity to purchase compost bins.)
See a schedule of all composting workshops sponsored by LA County.
Currently, the following two workshops are offered:
Intro to Composting: Learn the basic techniques of backyard composting, worm composting, water-wise gardening, grasscycling, and edible gardening. These techniques will help you reduce your yard waste:
Organic Gardening: Learn the fundamental principles for drought-tolerant landscaping, integrated pest management, building healthy soil and composting at home.
Please visit the AQMD website to access the lists of Lawn Mower Manufacturers, and certified scrappers as well as Frequently Asked Questions. You can also email AQMD at [email protected] or call them Tuesday-Friday at (888) 425-6247.
Get free mulch! Just bring your own shovel and bucket. Load up your own containers and take as much as you need, available at:
Lago Seco Park 3920 235th Street Map & Directions Bark chips from City trees. Located south of Community Gardens near parking lot. Open during park hours. Material availability varies.
Gaffey Street S.A.F.E. Center 1400 N Gaffey St, San Pedro | (800) 773-2489 Map & Directions Bring your own bag and shovel. This location also houses a hazardous waste and electronics recycling center with different operating hours. Call for more information.
For additional information, check out the South Bay Cities web resources on Environmentally Friendly Landscaping, Gardening and Pest Control.
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